P9234KZ R Fan Assembly
2202696 | |
Computed Tomography (CT) | |
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- Low Noise
- Good Air Flow Rate
- High Speed
- Easy to Connect Connectors
Product Overview
This axial fan assembly work as thermal management device which can be used in cabinets of different assemblies of electronic devices such as computers and other circuitry which generate heat during operation, and require good thermal management to prevent premature failures. This fan assembly consists of two identical axial DC fans connected parallely with a 2-position connectors. The use of high quality thermoplastic offers the fan Impeller and housing very good impact resistance, toughness, heat resistance, corrosion resistance and also have good flamability ratings. Each fan requires 24 volts DC power supply to provides good airflow rate up to 1.05 m3/min for faster air circulation and produces low noise even at 2900 RPMs. The connector is connected with a 250 mm long cable through which the fans are connected parallely. This fan assembly is connected in the right side of the P9234KZ assembly and is compatible for use in the GE's Computed Tomography (CT) Systems.