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- High quality harness assembly
- Good connection
- Easy to connect and disconnect
- Operating temperature rating 80° C
Product Overview
The Harness, FSEBX/OBC/DAS/RF/FO/DHCB-H16 is a high quality assembly used in the Discovery STE 16 Slice system and other systems with demanding applications. The harness assembly is comprised of different cable types. The cable insulation is made of a high quality Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) material which has good insulation and excellent heat resistance, which makes it well suited for many medical applications. The cable assembly offers outstanding flexibility for easier handling. The cable assembly is designed to avoid external electro-magnetic interference through its quality shielding. The products high quality material helps to offer a reliable operation, efficient functioning and longer life span. The GE product is an innovation and technology which fits well into versatile customer needs. The product is tested to work at extreme atmospheric conditions. The assembly is RoHS compliant and approved for todays safety standards.
Compatible Products
Lightspeed RT
Lightspeed Pro 16
Lightspeed 16
Substitute Parts :
Below is more information on the equivalent parts. Parts without a hyperlink are listed for reference only and are not available for purchase online.
Equivalent part | Part Details |