CT PET DARC without DIP 5147442-100-R
5147442-100-R | |
Computed Tomography (CT) | |
GE HealthCare | Exchange - Return Defective |
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- Satisfied Industry Safety Standards
- Satisfied Environmental Standard
- Meet Material Quality Requirements
- Functionally Tested
Product Overview
The CT, PET Digital Acquisition Recon Controller (DARC) without Data Acquisition System Interface Processor (DIP) is the assembly part of the console chassis assembly, which is a component in the Brightspeed Elite, Edge and Excel CT scanner. It is the 2nd generation DARC. It is placed on the MI and CT integrated buy level PC workstation. It is the refurbished part that has been repaired and validated to GE specifications by GE engineers using proprietary GE testing procedures. Every gold seal part goes through an extensive, ISO 13485 certified process to confirm that it meets original specifications and is compatible with the GE system revision. The Brightspeed Elite uses a 3D modulation algorithm which automatically adjusts the mA while maintaining the desired image quality. The Brightspeed Elite is used to capture the image for angiography, abdominal exam, neuro and chest exam.