VCT Plenum Upgrade Kit 5169770
5169770 | |
5113867 5114020 5117776 5118036 5120610 5121621 5124291 5129701 5169298 | |
Computed Tomography (CT) | |
GE HealthCare | Outright |
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Substitute Parts :
Below is more information on the equivalent parts. Parts without a hyperlink are listed for reference only and are not available for purchase online.
Equivalent part | Part Details |
5113867 | |
5114020 | |
5117776 | VCT Plenum Asm |
5118036 |
5120610 | Fan Plate Asm |
5121621 | 5121621 |
5124291 | |
5129701 | Cable, Detector, Fan-Speed Control, DAS-DET, VCT |
5169298 | 5169298 |